The saint Eugène de Mazenod Parish

Hits: 4166

Parafia Sahal 01Parafia Sahal 00Sahalava is a populous and in majority poor ward situated in Fianarantsoa. Before, people had to go to pray in Ambatomena since there was no church in Sahalava.

In 1995, the OMI missionaries’ congregation settled in Fianarantsoa and built a Formation house in Mahamanina, the Scholasticate St Eugène de Mazenod. The missionaries aspired after having a parish in town. The Bishop Philibert RANDRIAMBOLOLONA found no objection against the idea and on May 20th 2000 he laid the foundation stone and chaired the mass.

On 8th December 1999 agreements were signed together with the bishop. The construction started on the 5th May 2000 and ended the 8th June 2000. On 17th July 2000 the 1st baptism of the parish’s catechumens took place in Manohisoa, Mahamanina.

Little time after, the works started, serious technical problems appeared and they compelled to raze the construction and started it all over again: that was a big loss for the Congregation. There were also many disagreements between the workers and their bosses. By the end of December, the construction firm abandoned the works. The Congregation had then to take charge of all the work and had to find an engineer. Mr. Victor RAMAROLAHY became the responsible of the works. Father Robert KONICZEK and father Marek MODRZEWSKI have actively taken part in the supervision and have provided lots of efforts to hasten the construction.

The 2002 political disturbances have indeed causes troubles but have not stop the works from going on. On 25th December 2002, a 1st mass was celebrated in the Sahalava church even if it was not totally finished. Christmas was then celebrated with belief, charity, hope and overflowing joy.    


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The mass was chaired by the Bishop Fulgence RABEMAHAFALY and was attended by father Roman MAJEWSKI, the superior of the OMI Congregation in Madagascar. Saint Eugène DE MAZENOD, the founder of the OMI congregation is the patron of the Sahalava church. Father Marek MODRZEWSKI is the curate and is assisted by father Anselme VARANA. There 6 wards and 8 Christian movements at the parish. It is the first OMI parish in Madagascar and represents a celebration monument for the new millennium.

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Aujourd’hui la paroisse St. Eugène de Mazenod compte 6 000 fidèles. Les jeunes et les enfants sont les plus nombreux. Il y a neuf mouvements religieux et elle comporte sept quartiers. Ceux qui suivent les catéchèses sont au nombre de 560 par an. Le problème est qu'il n'y a pas de grande salle pour les réunions, les catéchèses et les fêtes.

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Aussi la Congrégation a-t-elle mis au point le projet de centre paroissial et après avoir attendu 3 ans, elle a reçu une réponse favorable et la construction a commencé le 17 mars 2016.

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St. John Paul II Parish in Morodava – Today

Hits: 3062

« Behold, I send you the bearer of good news for the people of the entire world. »

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Parafia Morond Dzis09A very great joy filled the hearts of the Christians of the new parish of Blessed John Paul II in Morondava, Madagascar on Sunday October 20th, 2013. On this Sunday, the blessing of the new chapel and the greeting of the relics of Blessed John Paul II was celebrated. For the solemn entrance, a song was chosen which corresponds with the charism of John Paul II, being the missionary pope for the entire world.

In the month of September, Father Riri and I preached in the five parishes in the city of Morondava. In each parish, we preached sermons on the spiritual heritage of John Paul II and in the evening there was the presentation of a film on his life. In our parish the feast was preceded by a Triduum. On the last day of the Triduum confessions were heard.

Four Oblates came for the feast. They were Father Marek Ochlak OMI, superior of the Oblate delegation on Madagascar, Father Adam Szul OMI, bursar of the delegation, Father Henryk Marciniak OMI and Father Stanislaw Kazek OMI.

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The chapel was too small for the celebrations, so we prepared to celebrate Mass in the open air. The veranda of the chapel served as a podium for the altar and the celebrants. The bishop of the diocese of Morondava, Monsignor Fabien Raharilamboniaina presided at the Mass. When Mass was to begin, I asked the celebrant to bless our new chapel. I took the opportunity to explain the reasons why we chose the name of Blessed John Paul II for the new chapel. Jean Paul II did a lot of good for the Christians on Madagascar during his visit to this country in 1989. He firmly encouraged the Christian and he beatified blessed Victoria Rasoamanarivo.

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Later, before the bishop and the Christians I presented the relics of Blessed John Paul II, which I had previously received from Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, archbishop of Krakow. This is the blood of Blessed John Paul. In accepting these relics and receiving the certificate from Cardinal Dziwisz, our bishop welcomed the relics into the diocese.

Mindful of this feast, every Tuesday evening there is a prayer pageant before the Relics, which is carried out by the youth of the parish. During this prayer, we want to send to the Christians the powerful words of John Paul II: “Fear not. Open to Christ the doors to your hearts. »


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The liturgy of the Mass was animated by the young of the parish. Father Riri, parish vicar and composer, composed two songs for this feast. It was according to the customs of Madagascar that during the singing of four songs, the young people did their liturgical dancing.

Parafia Morond Dzis20On May 11, 2014, the fourth Sunday of Easter, in the new parish of St. John Paul II in Morondava was held a great celebration that reminded us of the name and figure of Jesus Good Shepherd. This feast reminded the image of God who never forgets us: he sends his emissaries who take care of his people.

Parafia Morond Dzis26The feast of the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII in our parish was scheduled for May 11, because of the stay of our diocesan Bishop in Rome on April 27 during the canonization. At first, we thought we were preparing a party only for our parish. Then, the bishop of the diocese asked to add to our program the closing of the training for 200 catechists of the Morondava bush who animate the prayer in their chapels when the priest is not there.

The Mass was presided by the Bishop of the Diocese of Miarinarivo, Monsignor Jean Claude Randrianarisoa, who is responsible for the formation of catechists. The new deacon of the Congregation of the Saletins was ordained by the Bishop of the Diocese of Morondava, Marie Fabien Raharilamboniaiana.  

At the beginning of the Mass we made the procession during which we brought two large photos: Saint John Paul II, worn by young people and Saint John XXIII carried by the parish committee. Walking behind the picture of Saint John Paul II, I was wearing his Relics. After having read the short biography of John Paul II and John XXIII and having sung a song that corresponds to their life, the Bishop announced that, in the eyes of the Church, they are already holy and worthy of veneration and, can invoke them during prayer.

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John Paul II has not forgotten Madagascar. He visited our island in 1989. I think that our feast gave the Christians of Morondava a lot of joy to our new parish and helped him to fit well in the history of the diocese of Morondava.

The holy and good pastors: John Paul II and John XXII - pray for Madagascar

Father Mariusz Kasperski OMI

Paroisse St. Jean-Paul II - Morondava - Histoire

Hits: 728

Parafia Morond Hist11 Parafia Morond Hist10Notre Délégation Des Oblats de Marie Immaculée à Madagascar a répondu positivement à la demande de l’évêque du diocèse Morondava, Monseigneur Marie Fabien Raharilamboniaina. Le 25 novembre 2012, nous avons commencé la fondation de la nouvelle mission dans ce diocèse. Cette nouvelle  fondation aura deux étapes: premièrement la création de la nouvelle paroisse en ville, deuxièmement la fondation de la mission en brousse.

Morondava, la ville de 24 000 habitants où 70 000  en comptant des habitants des quartiers périphériques est situé au bord du canal Mozambique, sur la cote l’ouest de Madagascar.  Il n’y a pas d’industrie dans cette région. La plupart des gens  ce sont des pécheurs où des éleveurs des bœufs et des chèvres. Les terres dans la région de Morondava sont très fertiles. Malheureusement de l’eau manque pour les bien cultiver.

Morondava pendant des années était le diocèse très isolé par le manque des routes. Depuis deux ans, il a une nouvelle route vers la capitale Antananarivo qui rend possible la communication et le transport. Cette nouvelle route attire des gens pour s’installer ici.

Dans le diocèse de Morondava, la région à Madagascar qui s’appelle Menabe, il n’y a pas beaucoup de chrétiens. La tribu de Sakalava qui y habite est très attachée à la religion traditionnelle. La plupart des chrétiens dans nos paroisses en ville viennent d’autres régions  de Madagascar.

Le 25/11/2012, au jour de  la fête du Christ-Roi,  pendant la Messe dans la cathédrale, l’Evêque Marie Fabien Raharilamboniaina nous a accueilli dans le diocèse. Les chrétiens du quartier  de la ville qui s’appelle TSIMAHAVAOBE, où va être crée la nouvelle paroisse sous l’invocation du Bienheureux Jean Paul II, étaient assis ensemble dans un rang des bancs dans l’église.  Ils nous ont offert  une brebis, quelques assiettes, fourchettes, cueilleurs  et quelques enveloppes avec  argents.

Avec l’Evêque et les deux curés de la ville, on a tracé les limites de la nouvelle paroisse. En dehors des chrétiens qui habitent dans les périphéries de la ville, là où se trouve le terrain pour la construction, à l’intérieur de  notre paroisse sont entrés  aussi les parties du quartier Tsimahavaobe qui appartenaient  jusqu’ à maintenant  à la paroisse cathédrale « Marie de Règne » et à la paroisse « Sainte Thérèse de l’Enfant Jésus ».  Finalement,  notre paroisse occupe une grande espace.  

On peut dire que le commencement de notre travail était meilleur qu’on a pensé au début, pendant la visite de reconnaissance. Avant de venir à Morondava, nous avons pensé que nos chrétiens seront environ 100. Le 02 décembre 2012, pendant la célébration de la première Messe de dimanche en plein air 232 personnes sont venu pour prier, le jour du Noel ils étaient 328.  Dans ce nombre il n’ y avait pas de nombreux enfants qui jusqu’à la fin de l’année scolaire- catéchétique 2012/2013 prient dans  deux précédentes paroisses. Ils sont à peu-prés 120.

Chaque dimanche nous avons prié en plein air. Samedi soir et dimanche très tôt le matin nous avons préparé le lieu pour la célébration de la Messe.  Pendant la première Messe célébrée en plein air, âpres 40 minutes, le soleil était tellement fort, qu’il a fallu changer de lieu de la  table-autel et des bancs pour  les chrétiens.

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En voyant le grand nombre des chrétiens venant à la Messe et leurs zèle, en voyant des difficultés de célébrer chaque jour la Messe en plein air, nous avons décidé de construire le plus vite une chapelle pour avoir le toit au-dessus de la tète .

Le mardi 11.12.2012, nous avons commencé la construction de la chapelle. La dimension est 10 mètres largeur et 15 mètres longueur. Mon désir était  que cette chapelle soit au moins 5 mètres plus long, mais nous n’avons eu pas d’argents  pour le faire.

Nous avons eu besoin de cette chapelle pour prier tranquillement, sans être exposé au très grand chaleur de Morondava (37 dégrée), pour organiser des rencontres du comité et des différents mouvements de la paroisse. Dans la petite sacristie (4x4 mètres)  se trouvera mon bureau pour accueillir des gens.

Moi et mon vicaire, père Riri Léonce Andriamanantena, nous habitons dans une maison donné par l‘Evêque pour notre communauté OMI  jusqu’à  la construction de notre propre maison en 2013-2014.

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Quatre fois par semaine,  après-midi à quinze heures, nous faisons  avec quelqu’un du comité de la paroisse  la visite des familles. Cette visite, c’est la conversation, présentation, bénédiction de la famille et de la maison. Pendant cette visite on invite des chrétiens à prier, à suivre la cour de catéchisme, on les invite à s’engager dans la nouvelle paroisse.


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En dehors du travail du curé, je suis nommé l’aumônier de l’hôpital à Morondava.  Je visite des malades dans l’hôpital. A la fin de chaque visite je célèbre là-bas la Messe dans un hangar.  Malheureusement, il n y a pas d’autre place pour le faire. Je suis aussi responsable du culte de la Miséricorde Divine, le culte très propagée par la Sœur Faustine.



Père Riri est le responsable du mouvement des jeunes dans le diocèse et l’aumônier des handicapés. Il est souvent demandé de prêcher des différentes retraites dans les paroisses.                                           

P. Mariusz Kasperski OMI

St. John Paul II Parish in Morodava – The History

Hits: 2339

Parafia Morond Hist11 Parafia Morond Hist10Our delegation to the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Madagascar responded positively to the request of Marie Fabien Raharilamboniaina, the Bishop of the Diocese of Morondava. On November 25, 2012, we began work on a new Oblate mission in the diocese. The new foundation has two stages: first is the creation of a new parish in the city, and then the care of the bush mission.

Morondava is a city with 24,000 inhabitants (the number grows to 70,000 inhabitants when taking into account those living in the peripheral districts) located along the Channel of Mozambique on the west coast of Madagascar. There is no industry in this region. Most people are fishermen while others are cattle and goat herders. The land in the Morondava region is very fertile. Unfortunately, the lack of water does not allow for good use of this fertile soil.

For many years, the Morondava Diocese was very isolated from other regions because of the lack of roads. Since four years ago, the road to the capital is made of asphalt which allows for better commute and transportation. This new road attracts new people who want to settle here.

There are not many Christians in the Diocese of Morondava (known as the Menabe region). The Sakalava tribe that lives here is very attached to their traditional religion. Most Christians in our local parishes come from other parts of Madagascar.

On November 25, 2012, the feast of Christ the King,  during Holy Mass at the cathedral, Bishop Marie Fabien Raharilamboniain welcomed the Oblates to the diocese. Christians from one of the districts of this city called TSIMAHAVAOBE, where a new parish was created under the patronage of St. John Paul II, sat together in one row of pews in the church. As a sign of welcome we received from them a sheep, several plates, forks, spoons and a dozen envelopes with money.

Together with the bishop and two diocesan priests, we established the boundaries of the new parish. In addition to the Christians who live on the outskirts of the city, where the land for the new church is located, a part of the Tsimahavaobe district has been incorporated into the new parish. Until now it belonged to the cathedral parish of “The Queen Mary” and the parish of “St. Theresa of the Child Jesus”. All in all, our new parish takes up a lot of space.  

It can be said that the beginning of our work was better than what we thought it would be during exploratory visit. Prior to arriving in Morondava, we thought the number of our Christians would be around one hundred. On Sunday, December 2, 2012, 232 Christians came to pray and on Christmas Day 328 people have arrived. Not many children were present then, because until the end of the catechetical year 2012/2013 children still had to pray in the two preceding parishes. There are about 120 of them.

Every Sunday we prayed outside. On Saturday morning and Sunday morning we prepared a place for Mass. During the first Mass that we celebrated outside, after only 40 minutes, the sun was so strong that we had to change the placement of the altar and the seats for the Christians.

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Seeing the large number of Christians coming to Mass and their zeal and difficulty in celebrating an outdoor Mass every day, we have decided to build a new chapel to have a roof over our heads .

On Tuesday, December 11, 2012, we began building a new chapel. Its size: 10 meters wide and 15 meters long. My desire was to have this chapel be at least 5 meters longer, but we did not have the financial resources to do so.

We needed this chapel to calmly pray without risking the great Morondava heat (37 degrees), to organize committee meetings and various parish movements. The small sacristy (4x4 m) also served as my office when I met with people.

My associate pastor and I, Father Léonce Andriamananten Riri, live in a house rented by a bishop. It serves as a temporary house for the Oblate community until we build our own home on the parish grounds.

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Four times a week, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, we visit families together with the parish committee. During these visits we talk to the families, there is mutual introduction, and finally the blessings of families and their homes. We invite them for group prayers and catechism in the new parish.



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Apart from working in the parish, I was appointed a hospital chaplain in Morondava. I visit the sick in the hospital. At the end of every visit, I celebrate the Holy Mass in the hospital hangar. Unfortunately there is no other place to do it. I am also responsible for spreading the cult of the Divine Mercy initiated by Sister Faustina, which is well rooted in Madagascar.



Father Riri is responsible for the youth movement in the diocese and is also the pastor of the disabled. Also, he is often invited to preach a retreat in various parishes.                                           

Father Mariusz Kasperski OMI

The Analakininina Saint John Baptist church nowadays

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At the beginning of November 1998 it was decided that the Centre was going to be transformed into an Alphabetisation Centre. It started with 62 students aged between 8 and 21 for alphabetisation and 16 apprentices aged between 13 and 26 for apprenticeship.

On November 15th the number of students increased to 77. Two sister taught there assisted by a laic during his pare time. There was school three times a week from 8:30 to 11:00.

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Afterward, subsequently to a parish meeting the church committee had the idea to set up a school for the parish. After the construction of the new Centre’s building by sister Lidwine, the Marie Réparatrice sisters offered the parish three classrooms: the Saint John Baptist school started in September 2005.

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Parafia AnalakH 05After, father Mariusz KASPERSKI asked for financial assistance from abroad for the construction of a second school building. He was granted aid and the nursery school opened in September 2007.

The lack of celebration room presented a big issue to the Christians and thanks to the efforts of father Mariusz KASPERSKI and those of the Christians the Eugène DE MAZENOD Foyer was built in 2004.

Parafia AnalakH 03One particular reason why the Saint John Baptist church could not be a parish was the lack of accommodation for the priests responsible for the church: they had to live with the OMI missionaries in Tanamakoa.

And yet the Christians wished that a resident priest took care of them. They then set their problem forth when the Superior of the OMI Congregation visited the parish.

Parafia AnalakH 06In 2005, the old Centre building was renovated and transformed into a house for the priest responsible for the parish.  On 7th May the premises were blessed by father Léon VARIAMANANA, vicar general.

No matter how great our achievements may be, they are not worth much if our souls do not live. So, let us see here some of the church’s achievements: 1812 baptism, 119 weddings.

At present, thanks to the DYNATEC project, the number of Christians has increased and still does. Many Christian foreigners work for the project and move to Analakininina. Thereby the number of christians attending Sunday mass have increased up to 2500. The 6th church ward Saint Eugène de Mazenod fokotany Tsarahonenana Tsararivotra is being created.

In January 2010 the parish committee was set up thanks to the efforts provided by the Father perished and the contribution of the Christians.

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Erigée en « SANCTUAIRE DE LA MISERICORDE » le 29 novembre 2015 par Monseigneur Désiré TSARAHAZANA, Archevêque de Toamasina, l’ECAR Paroisse Saint Jean Baptiste est devenue désormais le « Sanctuaire de la Miséricorde » du diocèse de Toamasina. Le Premier responsable et premier curé du sanctuaire est : Père Paweł PETELSKI de la communauté OMI. Il a succédé père Krzysztof SZABLOWSKI et père Mariusz KASPERSKI tous les deux sont des prêtres de la même communauté.

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